What the hell happened?!
OK. I know that you have been really busy and had finally gotten this done but this was a real disappointment. This episode made absolutely no sense what so ever. Normally, I try to provide criticism but I don't know what to say. Normally your stuff is really funny. I mean, I love your animation, style, and characters but what happened to your story writing. And not saying this in a mean way. I just don't understand what happened here with your finale. Both in writing and the overall plot. The ending was way confusing and felt irreverent. The beginning where you made fun of the long wait made me laugh but that was it.
Now, I do apologize for this being negative but I want to be a critical as possible. I do however want to say this. I'm not going to leave this review without saying I still can't wait for your next cartoon of any kind. And NG users, you need to do the same. Nick, you have the talent and the eye to make people laugh. Just because this wasn't your best work doesn't mean we're going to give up on you. Or so I hope no one gives up on you. I mean I understand you being busy and that this probably affected your dedication and work on the cartoon. However, this should not mean that we, the viewers, should turn our backs on you. I know... I'm probably just blabbing on. My point though is that if all the reviews on this have gotten you down, I encourage you to keep animating. Your HAVE the talent and don't give that up dude. I'm still keeping the faith.